Celebrating Our 2024 Seniors!

As our 23.24 season draws to a close, we want to recognize and celebrate our 2024 Seniors. We truly treasure getting to walk alongside our students during this pinnacle year of their dance journey. Some of you we have only known in recent years, and some of you we have had the opportunity to watch you grow up within our walls. Every single one of you is a treasure beautifully crafted by God, and we are so thankful that you have allowed us to be a part of your journey.  We are in awe of who you have become, and we are grateful for the imprint you have left here at Nebraska Dance. Our encouragement to you is to lean on the lessons from your dance journey to help you take each step into your future, no matter whether your next ambition takes you through hills or valleys. And most of all, keep your eyes fixed on the beauty God wants you to experience each day. 


“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be there with you wherever you go.” JOSHUA 1:9 


Thank you for being such a cherished part of Nebraska Dance. We love how God made you, you have forever impacted ND. We are so proud of you and we can’t wait to see you spread your wings!

Lily B. is graduating from Gretna High School and plans to attend the University of Nebraska Lincoln where she will study Exercise Science.  Lily says that “Nebraska Dance means so much to me, as it is my second home! The people here and the environment built at ND is second to none and so special. During my time at Nebraska Dance I have made countless memories that I will cherish forever! Nebraska Dance has taught me how to be confident in myself and use my strengths in a team setting. Learning this and much more at ND, I am thankful that I can take all of this with me throughout life in the future!”

Delaney B. is excited about her graduation from Elkhorn North High School.  She will attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln this fall. When asked what ND means to her, Delaney said, “Nebraska dance is the most special place in the world. There is nowhere else where you can find such good friends, role models, and inspiration. Dancing here for 16 years has taught me how to be the best version of myself and paved the way for me to move on in life! I would be a completely different person if not for the love and influence of Nebraska Dance. This place will forever hold such a special place in my heart and I can’t wait to watch the future dancers shine!” What will she miss the most about ND? “I will miss the people. Nebraska Dance wouldn’t be the same without all the people who make it so special. My best friends were made at this studio and I have so much love and respect for the staff, who have shown me how to be the best I can. I am going to miss seeing all my favorite people every day, but I know I can always come back to see the amazing things they accomplish!” And finally, when asked what lessons she has learned in her time here, she shared, “I have learned how to say yes. Yes to the things that scare me. Nebraska dance taught me that it’s important to take risks and do the things that are outside my comfort zone. I will always take the time to try new things, even if they terrify me.”

Brooklyn D. is graduating from Elkhorn High School. She will be continuing her dance career through American Midwest Ballet.  Brooklyn said, “Nebraska Dance means everything to me. It has been my second home for as long as I can remember and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it. The lessons I have learned at ND and the relationships it’s provided me with are so special to me. I am so thankful for the staff who continually pour into us and ND for being my family for so long! I have learned to follow my heart and lead with kindness.” Brooklyn shared that the thing she will miss most about ND is “I will miss all of the staff. They have always pushed me to be my best. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of the ND teachers.”

Colby D. is graduating from Elkhorn North High School. She will be attending the University of South Dakota, majoring in kinesiology and sports management to become a physical therapist. Colby will also be on their dance team. Colby said, “Nebraska Dance has become a second family to me. It’s hard to put into words what ND means to me. It’s more of a feeling.  A feeling of peace and comfort and pure joy.  A place where I can be myself and forget about the world around me with no judgment.  The love and happiness of the people and the general atmosphere of Nebraska dance has become a part of me and I will take that with me through life. I have learned how to trust in myself and be confident in every aspect of life. I have also learned how to take in every little moment, enjoy every minute, and not take anything for granted. Dance has been my passion and it shaped the person I am today. The skills and passion I’ve gained over the past 15 years will forever be my greatest accomplishments. I am going to miss the relationships with the people at ND.  From the teachers & staff to the dancers, every single person at ND holds a special place in my heart.  The bonds we formed over the years are immeasurable and can’t wait to see where we all go from here.”

Lily F. is graduating from Westside High School.  She will attend Kansas State University and will study business. She is also a part of the Kansas State Classy Cats dance team where she will continue dancing. When asked what Nebraska Dance means to her, Lily said, “Nebraska Dance means the world to me. My teachers and teammates are my greatest role models and have inspired me greatly. I would not be who I am today without Nebraska Dance. Nebraska Dance means love, hard work, and gratitude to me. I am so grateful to have grown up at Nebraska Dance, it is the best place ever.  The thing I will miss most about Nebraska Dance is the loving environment. It is a space where I can show up exactly as I am and do what I love. We are all so supportive and genuinely love each other. I will never take for granted how rare and special this place is. I am going to miss Nebraska Dance so much, but how grateful am I to love something so much that makes saying goodbye so hard. One thing that I will carry on with me is how to carry myself with confidence. The Nebraska dance staff and dance has taught me how to believe in myself and be confident in my abilities.”

Maggie G. is graduating from Millard North High School. She plans to attend the University of Oklahoma to study Biochemistry, and dance on the pom team. When asked what the studio means to her, Maggie said, “Nebraska Dance has been my safe place and second home for as long as I can remember! It’s a place I can go to do what I love with the people I love. It truly shaped me into the person I am today!  I am going to miss the feeling I get when I am there. I will miss all of the jokes and the special combo classes. I feel so comfortable and so loved whenever I am there! The friendships and memories I have made will last me a lifetime. 

Caitlyn G. is moving on from Millard North High School and will attend Oklahoma State University to study Architectural Engineering.  Caitlyn shared that “Nebraska Dance is the place where I am the best version of myself. The environment and people at Nebraska Dance never fail to make me feel celebrated and loved, and the sense of community and belonging that it embodies is second to none.” Caitlyn says “I have learned the true sense of love and community from Nebraska Dance. Every single person at Nebraska Dance is valued and celebrated, and that feeling of appreciation for all members in the community is something that I hope to transfer to all aspects of my life moving forward.”

Nicholas K. is graduating from Papillion LaVista South High School. Nicholas will be playing football at Morningside University, while majoring in Aviation & Emergency Medicine. When Nicholas was asked what he will miss most about ND, he shared that “I will miss most of all my fellow dancers, teachers, and the close friendships I have built over 14 years. I will miss seeing my friends on a weekly basis. I will miss our bonding that we do week after week, year after year. Some of my closest friends I have made at Nebraska Dance. I will miss the family environment and the inclusiveness of the studio as a whole. I will miss the connections with others, no matter their age, or grade, or who they are.”  The lesson he will take through life is “To always be yourself and show who you truly are, to be confident in what you do, and to not be afraid to be yourself.”

Leila K. is graduating from Millard North High School.  She will be attending the University of Arkansas and majoring in Criminology with an emphasis in Psychology. She was also selected as a member of the Razorback Dance Team! Leila said she will miss the friendships she has made the most. All of us are going somewhere new and different. Saying goodbye is going to be hard, but I can’t wait to be their biggest cheerleader. Leaving behind the friendships I have made with the juniors and sophomores will also be something I will greatly miss. Leila has learned from ND the importance of having a strong work ethic, how to love and support the people around you, how to lead with grace and compassion, and so much more. She will carry these things through the next chapters of her life and is so thankful to have been a part of something that has had such a positive impact on the person she is today.

Madison M. is graduating from Westside High School and plans to attend the University of Nebraska-Kearney to study Marketing.  To Madison, Nebraska Dance means happiness, throughout her time here she has learned who she is as a person. Madison will miss her teachers and the people she grew up with and getting to express herself every week. When asked what she has learned in her time at ND, Madison also added, “I’ve learned hard work and how to be disciplined. I also learned the value of friendships.”

Katelyn O. is graduating from Lewis Central High School and will be attending the University of Iowa to study Marketing with a minor in Spanish.  When asked What have you learned from Nebraska Dance that you will take through life, Katelyn shared, “I have learned many valuable lessons that I will carry with me through my life, however the greatest thing Nebraska Dance has shown me is to always show your true self. Nebraska Dance has created a safe space for everyone to feel welcome and loved. I have learned to continue to find people who allow me and others to be free throughout life, and I truly believe this is something so valuable to find.” What Katelyn will miss the most about ND is “the people are what I will miss the most about Nebraska Dance. Nebraska Dance has created such a strong community for people from all around the area to connect and dance! I have gained some of my best friends because of Nebraska Dance, and the people there are truly so special!”

Jayden O. graduates from Concordia High School. She plans to attend Iowa State University, majoring in elementary education. When we asked Jayden what does Nebraska Dance mean to you, she said, “Nebraska dance means to me a family I will have forever even after I graduate. Also my favorite place away from home. What I will miss most about Nebraska dance is all of the dancers and teachers, and being able to laugh about many different things.” What have you learned from Nebraska Dance that you will take through life? “What I have learned from Nebraska dance that I will take through life, is to always try my best and never give up. Also do not worry about what others think and just have fun.”

Mia R.is celebrating her graduation from Westside High School. She’ll be attending Florida State University and plans to double major in theatre and physics, or one of the sciences. Mia Said, “Nebraska Dance means so so much to me. It’s been a huge part of my life since I was little and has really become a second home to me. Nebraska Dance has taught me the importance of hard work and building relationships. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without dance, and I will carry all of these memories with me for the rest of my life!” When asked additionally what she will miss the most about ND, Mia shared that “While I will definitely miss dancing every day and those long competition days, what I’ll miss the most is the people. I’ve met some of my best friends here and I wouldn’t have wanted to dance with anyone else.”

Shelby S. is celebrating her graduation from Ralston High School and will be going to Metropolitan Community College to study art. Shelby has shared that, “Nebraska Dance is really important to me because it’s an inviting space where I feel welcomed and able to have fun while dancing. I will miss being able to dance with my friends and learn from the amazing teachers.” When asked what have you learned from Nebraska Dance that you will take through life, Shelby answered, “Nebraska Dance has taught me how to be confident in myself.”

Marti W. is celebrating her graduation from Papillion La Vista South High School. She will attend Northwest Missouri State University to study wildlife ecology, conservation and marine biology. When asked what does Nebraska Dance mean to you, Marti shared, “Friends, community, and a place to decompress after a long day and do some fun (but very hard!) dances!” What will you miss most about Nebraska Dance? “Definitely my amazing teachers throughout the years, especially Ms Callie and Mr Grant who made dance so enjoyable and fun to go to every week” When asked what she has learned that will take her through life, Marti said, “Time management with all of my other activities as well as making enough time for myself.”

Lauren W. is graduating from Millard West High School and plans to attend Capitol Beauty School for Cosmetology. Lauren says that “Nebraska Dance is a very special place to me! I’ve been dancing here for as long as I can remember. It is really my second home. I’ve made friendships that will last a lifetime. I am forever thankful for all the memories Nebraska Dance has brought me. Some things I will miss most about Nebraska Dance are competitions, not going to dance each week and of course my teachers. I love being able to spend time with my best friends and I am really going to miss that.”  When asked what she has learned at Nebraska Dance, Lauren shared that “I have learned to enjoy every moment like it’s going to be your last! I have also become a more confident person. I couldn’t have done life without Nebraska Dance!”